
Discover Best Anabolic Steroids for Sale

There are 48 products.

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  • Categories: Human Growth Hormone
  • Categories: Injectable Steroids
  • Brand: British Dragon
  • Brand: Genetic Pharmaceuticals

Somatotrobol 100 IU

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Somatotrobol 100 IUDosage forms: 1 kit (10 vials 10 iu/vial)Drug Status: Growth HormoneActive Substance: SomatropinGeneric name: Somatropin, Riptropin, Norditropin, Zorbtive, Ansomone, Pharmatropin, SP Tropin, Beltropin, Odintropin,...

Price $300.00

Decabol 250

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Decabol 250Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Nandrolone DecanoateGeneric name: Decandrol, Decatrex, Cheribol, Deca, Decaver, Axidrol, Durabolin, NPP, Gemdec, Nandrolona,...

Price $70.00

Durabol 100

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Durabol 100 Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Nandrolone PhenylpropionateGeneric name: Ultima NPP 150, DuraJect, Nandronit D, Decatrex, Decabolic, Duraxyl, Deca-Durabolin,...

Price $49.00

Trenabol 200

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Trenabol 200Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Trenbolone EnanthateGeneric name: TREN E 200, Trenabol 200, Trenadex Enanthate 200, Trenaplex E 200, Trenboxyl Enanthate 200,...

Price $120.00

Trenabol 100

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Trenabol 100Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Trenbolone AcetateGeneric name: Trenabol 100, Trenadex Acetate 100, Trenaplex A 100, Trenboxyl Acetate 100, Trenoid, Para,...

Price $81.00

Trenabol Hexa

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Trenabol HexaDosage forms: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Trenbolone HexahydrobenzylcarbonateGeneric name: Parabolan, Parabolan 100, Trenabol Hexa, Trenaplex D 100, Trenboxyl Hexa 100,...

Price $114.00

Testabol Depot

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Testabol DepotDosage forms: 10 ml vial (250 mg/vial)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Testosterone CypionateGeneric name: Cypionat 250, Testabol Depot, Testaplex C 250, Testolab-C 250, Testoxyl Cypionate 250,...

Price $56.00

Testabol Enanthate

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Testabol EnanthateDosage forms: 10 ml vial (250 mg/vial)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Testosterone EnanthateGeneric name: Enantat 250, GP Test Enanth 250, TEST E 250, Testabol Enanthate, Testaplex E 250,...

Price $56.00

Andropen 450

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Andropen 450Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (450 mg/vial)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Testosterone Mix / Testosterone BlendGeneric name: SP Supertest, Supertest 450 (Genetic), Supertest 450 10ml, Testosteron Mix,...

Price $80.00

Testabol Propionate

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Testabol PropionateDosage forms: 10 ml vial (100 mg/vial)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Testosterone Propionate Generic name: Propionat 100, SP Propionate, TEST P 100, Testabol Propionate, Testolab-P 100,...

Price $43.00

Mastabol 100

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Mastabol 100Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (100 mg/vial)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Drostanolone PropionateGeneric name: Masteron-P, Masteroxyl 100, Mastaplex 100, Mastolab-100, Xeno Mast P 100, Masteronum,...

Price $75.00

Mastabol 200

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Mastabol 200Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (200 mg/vial)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Drostanolone EnanthateGeneric name: Masteron 200, MAST E 200, Masteroxyl 200,, Mastolab-200, SP Drostanol, Etho-Masteron 200,...

Price $110.00

Boldabol 200

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Boldabol 200Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (200 mg/vial)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Boldenone UndecylenateGeneric name: Boldabol 200, Boldelab-200, Equipoise 200, GP Bold 200, Boldo, Boldaxyl, Bolden, Pharma Bold,...

Price $65.00

Primobol Inject

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Primobol InjectDosage forms: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Methenolone EnanthateGeneric name: Primalab-100, Primobol 10ml, Primobolan 100, Primorox, Xeno Primo 100, Primoplex 100,...

Price $114.00

Stanabol 50 Inj

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Stanabol 50 InjDosage forms: 10 ml vial (50 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: StanozololGeneric name: Stanabol 50 Inj, Stanolab-50, Stanorox, Stanoxyl Depot, Stanoplex 50 Inj, Stanotrex, Azolol, Stanozolol,...

Price $56.00

Aquabol Suspension

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Aquabol SuspensionDosage forms: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Testosterone BaseGeneric name: Testosteron Base, Testodex, Aquatest,  GP Test Suspension, Suspension, Aquabol, Testoxyl,...

Price $56.00

Sustabol 350

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Sustabol 350Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (350 ml/vial)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Testosterone Mix / Testosterone BlendGeneric name: Sustabol 350, Sustaplex 350, Sustrone, Sustaxyl, Testosteron Mix, Andropen,...

Price $59.00

Ultrabol 150

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Ultrabol 150Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (150 ml/vial)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Drostanolone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Testosterone PropionateGeneric name: Ultrabol 150, Megacut, GP Andromix, Cutaxyl,...

Price $63.00

Trinabol 150

Manufacturer: British Dragon PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Trinabol 150Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (150 ml/vial)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Trenbolone Mix / Trenbolone BlendGeneric name: Trinaplex 150, Tri-Trenbolone 150 10ml, Trinabol 150, Trinaxyl 150, TriTren 150,...

Price $120.00


Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: GenotropDosage forms: 1 kit / 10 vials (10 iu/vial)Drug Status: Growth Hormone AnalogActive Substance: Somatropin (r-hGH)Generic name: SimpleXx, Ansomon, Zomacton, Glotropin, Norditropin, Kigtropin, Taitropin, Humatrope, Jintropine, Nutropin,...

Price $270.00
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Testosterone Propionate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Testosterone PropionateDosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Testosterone PropionateGeneric name: Propionat, Testosterone Propionate, Testaplex P 100, SP Propionate, TEST P 100,...

Price $43.00
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Testosterone Enanthate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Testosterone  EnanthateDosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (250 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Testosterone EnanthateGeneric name: Enantat, Testoxyl, Testobolin, Testosterona, TestaPlex E, Testrin, Testabol, Testobilin,...

Price $56.00
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Sustanon 250

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Sustanon 250Dosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (250 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Testosterone Mix (Testosterone Propionate 30 mg, Testosterone Phenylpropionate 60 mg, Testosterone, Isocaproate 60 mg, Testosterone...

Price $55.00
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Testosterone Cypionate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Testosterone CypionateDosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (250 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Testosterone CypionateGeneric name: Testaplex C 250, Testabol Depot, Testodex Cypionate 250, Testolab-C 250, Testoxyl...

Price $56.00
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Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Dosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens, Anabolic Steroids, Androgen Ester, ProgestogenActive Substance: Nandrolone PhenylpropionateGeneric name: Nandrolona, Durobolic, Newdec, Therabol, Durabolin,...

Price $50.00
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Nandrolone Decanoate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Nandrolone Decanoate Dosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (250 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens, Anabolic Steroids, ProgestogenActive Substance: Nandrolone DecanoateGeneric name: Newdec, Decatrex, Duraxyl, Durabol, Axidrol,Deca, Nandrolona, Pharma Nan D, NPP,...

Price $64.00
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Trenbolone Acetate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Trenbolone Acetate Dosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens, Anabolic Steroids, Androgen Ester, ProgestogenActive Substance: Trenbolone AcetateGeneric name: Tritren, Trinaxyl, Tranabol, Finarex Depot, Trenbol, Trenabol,...

Price $80.00
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Trenbolone Enanthate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Trenbolone EnanthateDosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (250 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgen, Anabolic Steroid, Androgen Ester, ProgestogenActive Substance: Trenbolone EnanthateGeneric name: Tranabol, Trinaxyl, Pharma Tren E, Tren, Finarex Depot, Tren E,...

Price $110.00
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Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: ParabolanDosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgen, Anabolic Steroid, Androgen Ester, ProgestogenActive Substance: Trenbolone HexahydrobenzylcarbonateGeneric name: Parabolan, Trenoid, Androxine, Finarex Depot, Trinaxyl, Pharma...

Price $120.00
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Tri-Trenbolone 150

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Tri-Trenbolone 150Dosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (150 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgen, Anabolic Steroid, Androgen Ester, ProgestogenActive Substance: Trenbolone Mix (Trenbolone Acetate 50mg, Trenbolone Enanthate 50mg, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate...

Price $115.00
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Drostanolone Proprionate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Drostanolone ProprionateDosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgen, Anabolic Steroid, Androgen Ester, ProgestogenActive Substance: Drostanolone ProprionateGeneric name: Masteroxyl, Pharma Dro P, Drostaprogen, Masto, Mast, Lixus...

Price $70.00
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Drostanolone Enanthate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Drostanolone EnanthateDosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (200 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgen, Anabolic Steroid, Androgen EsterActive Substance: Drostanolone EnanthateGeneric name: Mastodex, Drostanolone, Lixus Mast, Mastaplex, Masto, Masteron, Pharma Dro P,...

Price $100.00
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Cut-Stack 150

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Cut-Stack 150Dosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (150 mg/ml)Drug Status: Injectable Anabolic SteroidActive Substance: Drostanolone Propionate 50 mg, Testosterone Propionate 50mg, Trenbolone Acetate 50mgGeneric name: Cutaxyl, Ultradex,Cut Mix

Price $75.00
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Supertest 450

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Supertest 450Dosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (450 mg/ml)Drug Status: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic SteroidActive Substance: Testosterone Mix / Testosterone BlendGeneric name: Sustaxyl, Sustrone, Estandron, Omnadren, Testosteron Mix,...

Price $66.00
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Sustanon-Forte 500

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Sustanon-Forte 500Dosage forms: 10 x 1 ml amp (500 mg/ml)Drug Status: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic SteroidActive Substance: Testosterone MIX / Testosterone BlendGeneric name: Pentadex,Sustaxyl, Omnadren, Sustamed, Omnis, Hexadex, Pharma Sust,...

Price $68.00
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Sustanon-Forte 500

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Sustanon-Forte 500Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (500 mg/ml)Drug Status: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic SteroidActive Substance: Testosterone MIXGeneric name: Pentadex, Sustaxyl, Omnadren, Sustamed, Omnis, Hexadex, Pharma Sust, Sustrone, Gonadon,...

Price $67.00
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Supertest 450

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Supertest 450Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (450 mg/ml)Drug Status: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic SteroidActive Substance: Testosterone MixGeneric name: Sustaxyl, Sustrone, Estandron, Omnadren, Testosteron Mix, Sustanon, Super-Test, Pharma Sust,...

Price $63.00
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Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: ParabolanDosage forms: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgen, Anabolic Steroid, Androgen Ester, ProgestogenActive Substance: Trenbolone HexahydrobenzylcarbonateGeneric name: Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate, Trebol, Trenoid,...

Price $115.00
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Drostanolone Enanthate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Drostanolone EnanthateDosage forms: 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgen, Anabolic Steroid, Androgen EsterActive Substance: Drostanolone EnanthateGeneric name: Pharma Dro P, Mastabol, Drostaprogen,Masteroxyl, Lixus Mast, Masteron, Masto,...

Price $95.00
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Cut-Stack 150

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Cut-Stack 150Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (150 mg/ml)Drug Status: Injectable Anabolic SteroidActive Substance: Drostanolone Propionate, Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone AcetateGeneric name: Cutaxyl, Ultradex, Cut Mix

Price $73.00
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Tri-Trenbolone 150

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Tri-Trenbolone 150Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (150 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgen, Anabolic Steroid, Androgen Ester, ProgestogenActive Substance: Trenbolone MixGeneric name: Trenatrex, Parabolin, Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate,...

Price $110.00
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Trenbolone Enanthate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Trenbolone EnanthateDosage forms: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgen, Anabolic Steroid, Androgen Ester, ProgestogenActive Substance: Trenbolone EnanthateGeneric name: Finarex Depot, Tranabol, Tren E, Trebol, Trenaplex,Trenboxyl, Trenatrex,...

Price $110.00
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Trenbolone Acetate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Trenbolone Acetate Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens, Anabolic Steroids, Androgen Ester, ProgestogenActive Substance: Trenbolone AcetateGeneric name: Trebol, Tren, Trenacet, Trenodex, Tritren, Fina, Finaject, Trenoid,...

Price $80.00
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Winstrol Aqua

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Winstrol AquaDosage forms: 10 ml vial (50 mg/ml)Drug Status: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic SteroidActive Substance: StanozololGeneric name: Stanoject, Stanotrex, Unistan Depot, Winstrol Depot, Tanzol, Stanoxyl, Androstanazol, Rexobol, Stanodex,...

Price $50.00
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Testosterone Proprionate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Testosterone PropionateDosage forms: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Testosterone PropionateGeneric name: Anatest, Testodex, Testoviron,Testoxyl, Pharma Test P, Testos-P, TestoPro, Testosterona,...

Price $42.00
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Testosterone Enanthate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Testosterone  EnanthateDosage forms: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen EsterActive Substance: Testosterone EnanthateGeneric name: Enanthate, Cidoteston, Andropository, Androfil, Nuvir, Testonova, Testro LA,...

Price $50.00
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Testosterone Cypionate

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Testosterone CypionateDosage forms: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen EsterActive Substance: Testosterone CypionateGeneric name: Testabol, Cypionax, Testoxyl Cypionate, Test Cyp, Cypionat, Tcypion, Cyponit,...

Price $50.00
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Sustanon 250

Manufacturer: Genetic PharmaceuticalsBrand Name: Sustanon 250Dosage forms: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)Drug Status: Androgens and anabolic steroidsActive Substance: Testosterone MixGeneric name: Hexadex, Estandron, Sustrone, Omnis, Pentadex, Sustaxyl, Sustamed, Gonadon, Induject, Pharma Sust, Andropen,...

Price $50.00
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