F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions

How do i order?

The best way to place an order:
1. Create an account and login in name for your safety.
2. To place an order you need to log in and choose the products.
3. After choosing the product(s) and quantity, make sure you have checked the payment amount, click on the "Add to Cart" button.
4. Open the "Shopping Cart", you can change prices/quantity, after click on "Checkout".
5. Fill in the shipping information. Please make sure the delivery address is real one and correctly entered as we will not be responsible for delivering the order to an incorrect address.
6. Choose the type of payment and go ahead.
8. Finish.

Order amount limit?

We don't have any limits for orders. You can place any order you like (big or small), after the shippers will decide how is much better to send it to you in the safest mode. If the order is too big to be send in one package, it will be divided in more packages and will be sent separately. Also if you have some questions or references for your order, you can write to us and we will ship it according your preferences.

How do you ship orders?

All packages are sent from our warehouse directly to your mailing address and get delivered only upon your signature. If no one is home at the time of delivery then you will receive a notice from your local post office indicating that a package has arrived for you. The shipping charge is $ 55.00 for all orders, regardless of quantities ordered. Estimated delivery time for our shipment is 9-12 days for domestic service, and 15-20 for international service. Note: The delivery time may take additional 1-2 weeks especially in the holidays.

Do You Guarantee Delivery?

We deliver the packages to the customers' door. Our company grows reputation by delivering packages on time. We ship anywhere in the world. You will receive your product in a plain, simple, discreet package.

Can I get samples before buying?

NO, with the products we sell, samples aren’t available.

What payment methods do you accept?

We have different payment methods, choose the best method for you.

Can I pay with BitCoin?

Bitcoin is a simple and easy method payment to use, it's a good way to stay anonymous. BestAnabolicSteroids store accept not only Bitcoin, also we accept BitcoinCash, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

Do you have any discount?

If you are a subscriber, you will receive an email when we have some promotions or discounts. All the time on BestAnabolicSteroids you will find different discounts and deals.

If I made a large order I get discount?

In 90% yes, please contact us with your order details.

How do i know that BestAnabolicSteroids store are not scammers?

BestAnabolicSteroids is a trusted online store, we have partners like: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, Axiolabs, 7Lab Pharm, Dragon Pharma, British Dragon, Geneza Pharmaceuticals, Balkan Pharmaceuticals, Genetic Pharmaceuticals, Ice Pharmaceuticals, US Domestic Steroids.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes, we will reship 100% of the products lost in the mail system or send the money back.

How can i contact BestAnabolicSteroids Team?

Use the contact form on our website.